Smart Talks


bigdataThe Big Data economy

Everybody is talking about Big Data but mainly around the IT department and on technical terms. What is Big Data about? And why should you care if you are not a technical person? ‘Data is the new Gold’ says the EU. Big or small company, how could you do business with this new resource?

This seminar provides you an overview around these questions. We will discuss the impacts of riding on the Big Data wave and you will gain insight to take more informed decisions.


Big DataBig Data in Action

The exploitation of the vast amount of data in Internet by a selected few is changing our society today. What are the big players of Big Data doing? And how is this affecting us? By being aware of what’s going on, you will be able to take more informed decisions. Become ‘data-aware’ participating to this presentation that provides an overview on this topic.


DIS2016-Corina-CiechanowRestore the balance of data

The prediction algorithms are based on past examples. Our society has some biases that are reflected in the data. In this talk, I stressed the opportunity data analysts have to restore the balance and impact for the best of our future society by taking into account those hidden factors.

Date: 12/05/2016
Venue: Data Innovation Summit 2016

Improve your business using Big Data

On this 1 hour free seminar, learn how you can improve your business by:

• Understand what are the data sources you/your business generate.
• Learn the opportunities you could have by connecting the data: opportunities of savings, of market white spaces and of innovation.
• Think which areas of your business will benefit by looking at your data with a data analyst mindset.

Date: 13/04/2016
Venue: AXA building – Vorstlaan 23 Boulevard du Souverain, Brussels, Belgium